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Beltane celebrations and news 2022

Ailsa Keppie • May 1, 2022

Beltane whispers to us of new life and rebirth, of flowers and spring buds, of awakening and beauty.

A traditional Beltane ritual was to make a ‘wish’ box. To plant a seed in some soil in a small cardboard box along with a good luck charm to manifest your desire with the energy of spring. Here is a list of common charms you can try - you can only pick one! bury your wish box in a safe place in the garden and wait for it to come to fruition. 

Love & Marriage - gingerbread
New Job - copper coin
Abundance - silver coin
Difficult Task - glove
Hearth & Home - thimble
Seeking the Truth - sprig of rosemary
Health, Healing, Renewed Strength - blue & green ribbon entwined
Happiness, Good Luck - cinnamon stick
Seeking Knowledge - apple
To Find A Lost Item - feather
Protection - key (an old iron key is best if you have one)

Celebrate with us 

Red Tent Women’s Circle tonight April 30th in the main studio at 7pm by donation. All women welcome (next circle Monday May 30th)

Beltane Celtic Concert with tea Sunday May 1st 2:30pm - limited seats please RSVP if you are coming.

Kirtan chanting with Chandra - by donation Wednesday May 4th, 7pm

Mother’s Day candle making workshop with beeswax - Make your mother a candle as a gift of light! $20 RSVP to book your spot - 2pm Sunday May 8th

Full Moon Sound Healing - with Dawn Higgins $20 Monday May 16th 2pm includes tea and snacks after. 

A Concert of Hymns - do you love the old hymns? Join Maggie Keppie for this celebration concert. Saturday May 28th 7pm - RSVP to reserve seating - donations welcome

Dance with us

Kizomba - an Angolan Partner dance which emphasizes connection - May 15th 2pm $30 drop in (no partner required) with Brigitte Aucoin - next class June 19th

Barefoot Ecstatic Dance workshop and flow for summer solstice and Litha- June 20th 7-8:30pm $20 in upstairs studio - limited capacity 16 participants 

Learn with us 

Introduction to Herbal Medicine with Oren Hercz - day workshop June 26th, includes lunch - to register go to

Guasha therapy - a two day course for health professionals - $450 May 28/29 and also June 7/8 email for details 

The Fascial Feel - an introduction to Fascial Work - $500 June 4-6 email Ailsa for details 

Women’s Retreat Day - relax and renew your connection to your Self and your body with this nourishing day of movement, art, sound and circle time $150 June 18th 10am-4pm includes lunch

Check out our weekly classes here

Tuesday and Friday 12pm Functional Movement with Ailsa 

Tuesday 6pm Shadow Play with Ailsa and Declan

**Tuesday 7:30pm Tai Chi with Declan

Wednesday 10am Breathwork with Chandra

Thursday 12pm Yoga with Ailsa 

**Friday 10am Writing group - using prompts from the Artist’s way - with Ailsa

weekday mornings 6am meditation with Declan

weekday mornings 7am Tai Chi with Declan

**new classes

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